Why Google+ is NOT another Facebook

Fouad Berjaoui
Jul 11 2011
Digital Media
Why Google+ is NOT another Facebook
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Aren’t you tired of reading articles by near-sighted analysts who keep claiming Google+ is a copy of Facebook?  It’s like accusing Apple of copying Nokia by releasing a product called iPhone. “Look, it has dial buttons, just like a Nokia. Look, it has a camera, a WiFi and a GPS, just like a Nokia.”

Personally I do not favor one over the other, I like both, but I’ve placed both in separate corners of my brain: I use Facebook for close friends and Family, which amount to around 180 (I don’t believe anyone literally has 700 friends). I use Google+ for business & social acquaintances of interest such as bloggers, co-workers, business contacts…etc.

In my previous introductory article on Google+, I recorded my first impressions, while in this post, I will dig a little deeper as to why Google+ is NOT a Facebook. If you take Google+ on its own, I can see some grounds for comparison those analysts keep referring to, but if you look at the top bar where it says +You, Gmail, Calendar, Document…etc. here’s where they failed to see the bigger picture:

  • Messaging & Email : unlike Facebook and LinkedIn whom each have their own inboxes, Google+’s inbox is your very own Gmail. No need for separate loggins to check your messages.
  • Connecting People : Unlike Facebook and LinkedIn who use the “Add Request” to establish connection between users, Google+ uses the “Follow” method, which leaves the other person the freedom of choice whether to block you (if he/she doesn’t wish to be followed), follow you back or simply not follow you. Kind of like the Twitter system, which is specifically why I said in my previous article that if you literally combine Facebook and Twitter you get Google+. FB+TWT=G+.
  • Brand Pages : Since G+ has not yet revealed its “Business” side, there’s nothing so far to compare G+ to Facebook Pages or Facebook’s f-commerce as yet. But I’m pretty sure with the integration of Google Blogs into G+ it’s going to be different than Facebook.
  • Business Connections : One of the amazing G+ features is its ability to organize your contacts (business & personal) and control what you share with each of them. In all fairness Facebook does that as well but in a lame and complicated manner.  If Google play their cards right and integrate Google Docs, Calendars, Google Maps to event locations, Adding group collaboration to “circles”…etc. then G+ would become a much more powerful business tool than LinkedIn and Facebook combined.
  • Google+ Sparks : G+ Sparks is very reminiscent of Twitter Hashtags except that Sparks is a one way communication where you are on the receiving end only (so far), unlike Hashtags which is a two-way communication, where you can receive and post according to interest. Facebook doesn’t have that, you cannot follow a stream called “Marketing” on Facebook .

Conclusion: Accusing Google of copying Facebook is as absurd as accusing Chevrolet of copying Ford. “Look it has 4 tires and an engine, just like a Ford”. I say it’s the user experience that will determine the difference. I for one would like to see G+ create Temporary Circles for events where I can add a group of friends to communicate on a date & venue + google map point that gets sent out to our mobile devices, similar to tweet-ups, only this circle expires after the fixed date. Business meetings, conferences & festival organizers can sure use this tool in and of out G+. If Google can respond to this and similar “wishes”, it will add key components to the whole social media experience: Customization & Adaptability.