Safe Eat


In Morocco, the gross rate of female activity is 24% with an estimate of one in five urban women is active. While 60% of these ladies are in difficult situation. The latter is caused by several factors citing poverty with a rate of 7.2%, violence with a rate of 60%, the divorce of uneducated moms with a rate of 11% and the exclusion of 30% of single mothers . On the other hand, 60% of intoxications are in urban areas, while 30% of them are caused by restaurants and fast food. On the other side, Casablanca contains 4 industrial zones with an estimate of 20,000. employed each with the non-existence of restaurants in these areas. From these two issues, we start from a woman in a difficult situation to a woman entrepreneur. From untapped knowledge to sustainable impact. From a simple idea to a success that is reflected every day in the lives of our beneficiaries. From a problem of gender inequality and health to a social enterprise named SAFE EAT: A network of women in difficult situation who prepares and markets homemade dishes through digital marketing while using our Facebook page and aiming to develop an application of sale of our products.




Startup Name
Safe Eat
Number of Employees
