MP Sheikh Nadim Gemayel

MP Sheikh Nadim Gemayel

Member of the Lebanese Parliament and Chairman of the Information and Technology Parliamentary Committee
Nadim Gemayel is member of the Lebanese Parliament since 2009 representing Beirut District and Chairman of the Information and Technology Parliamentary Committee since June 2018. His background as a lawyer and his passion for technology and the digital world drove him to lead and support new laws and policies to empower the digital sector. His focus is mainly on Cybersecurity and data privacy. Nadim Gemayel’s strong belief in the power of Education in shaping societies pushed him to become a prominent catalyst in enhancing the educational system in Lebanon. He actively promotes and encourages Educational Institutions to embrace a digital curriculum. Nadim Gemayel is also founder of Achrafieh 2020, focused on creating accessible and environment-friendly public areas, and shaping new behaviors considering the challenges of the City.